Approval to Export Pathway

Approval to Export Pathway

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Approval to Export Pathway

(Biosecurity NZ Export Plants Approved Organisation by the Ministry for Primary Industries)

The New Zealand export system is operated by the Ministry for Primary Industries, who delegates responsibility to independent verification agencies (such as IVS), ensuring exporting businesses meet the requirements under the export certification standards.

With the correct operating procedures and documentation, New Zealand export organisations can become approved to undertake their own phytosanitary activities, including inspections and/or treatments to meet the Importing Country’s Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR).

A series of standards allow export organisations to undertake the following activities:

Phytosanitary Inspection
Phytosanitary documentation
Phytosanitary Treatments
For information on IPSM 15 click here »

What do I need to do to gain approval to undertake export certification activity?

IVS works with you to maintain your approval status through regular surveillance audits.

Step 1:

The first step in seeking approval to export is to familiarise yourself with the series of export standards from the Ministry for Primary Industries, to develop a systems manual, which will outline what processes your organisation has in place and follows to comply with the standards. The export standards can be found at:

Step 2:

Send your systems manual to IVS so they can complete a ‘Desk top’ review—to ensure the documented processes meet the Ministry for Primary Industries' Biosecurity NZ Export standards. If there are areas within your systems manual that require further attention, IVS will work with you until your procedures and processes meet the standard.

Step 3:

An IVS assessor will visit you on-site, to make sure the documented processes and procedures in your systems manual accurately reflect your organisation’s practices.

Step 4:

If all requirements are met, IVS will send your application along with a recommendation letter for your organisations approval to the Ministry for Primary Industries. The Ministry will process the application for approval and contact the export organisation.

Maintenance of your Export Approval

To maintain ongoing approval for your export organisation, IVS will work with you to ensure your documentation and processes continue to reflect your operating environment, and that this continues to meet the Ministry for Primary Industries' Biosecurity NZ export standards. Site visits and checks form part of this process.

IVS works with you to maintain your approval status through regular surveillance audits.

Extending the scope of your Export Approval

IVS offer an evaluation of your systems manual and procedures if you wish to increase aspects of your approval, or if a new or substantially altered standard has been introduced. IVS will assess your organisation’s processes and systems manual, highlighting those areas compliant with the standards and those requiring adjustment. A written evaluation of your system is provided without delay, in an easy-to-follow report directly referencing appropriate standards and clauses, to allow you to quickly meet the Ministry for Primary Industries' Biosecurity NZ conditions and gain approval.

Get in touch

To discuss your requirements in more detail, please contact us on 0800 021 169 or email 

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