How to gain Export Certification

How to gain Export Certification

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How to gain Export Certification

How do I obtain a phytosanitary certificate?

The second step in the export clearance process is to certify your products meet the Importing Country’s Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR’s). Certification can be completed on your behalf by IVS, along with the verification services. Or you may have approval under the export certification standard to raise and print phytosanitary certificates within your organisation.

A phytosanitary certificate (Phyto E-Cert) is raised with

specific information and supporting documentation according to the

ICPRs. Any or all of these documents could be required:

To protect the integrity of New Zealand economy and trading relationships, once the Phyto E-Cert is raised within the online MPI Biosecurity NZ E-Certification system, it is verified by IVS (an independent verification agency) for final government-to-government assurance that all criteria has been met.

Get in touch

To discuss your requirements in more detail, please contact us on 0800 021 169 or email 

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